Sharing a vision for imaging informatics’ future development and its growing importance globally, two longstanding collaborators, the European Society of Medical Imaging Informatics (EuSoMII) and the Society for Imaging Informatics In Medicine (SIIM), signed a Memorandum of Understanding.

“We have been working on formalising this partnership for several years,” said Dr. Erik Ranschaert, president of the EuSoMII. “We have to join forces in order to improve digital innovation for the benefit of the patient,” he added.

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According to
James T. Whitfill, MD, CIIP, Chair of SIIM,
“The relationship between SIIM and EuSoMII is one that already has yielded incredible benefits for the medical imaging informatics community. We look forward to a fruitful and productive future together.”

The ultimate goal of this development is the creation of an international multidisciplinary platform to involve all disciplines relevant to the field of imaging informatics. This will benefit all stakeholders, including radiologists, clinicians, engineering and computer science professionals, data scientists, imaging informatics professionals, industry, managers and policy makers. Promotion of medical imaging informatics among trainees in radiology, engineering, and computer science is another priority, since the younger generation “is confronted with an ever-ongoing digitisation of the medical profession,” as Dr. Ranschaert has put it.

Education, research and certification of professionals in imaging informatics will be the focus of this new collaboration, including creation of statements and guidelines, publishing white papers and educational material, and offering online teaching courses and webinars.

“We hope to see many joint scientific and educational projects in the future,” emphasised Prof. Dr. Elmar Kotter, vice-president of the EuSoMII. “The exchange on the board level will allow us to better strengthen the links between both societies and to better represent common interests.”

Professor Sotirios Bisdas, member of the EuSoMII board and chair of the Professional Relations committee, pointed out that best clinical practice and research in Radiology was a global endeavour. “EuSoMII and SIIM have come together to reaffirm the importance of the unity of scientific research, and the willingness to educate and promote knowledge for the multidisciplinary professionals across Europe and the United States,” he said, expressing hope for future similar arrangements to accelerate development of radiology.

Source: EuSoMII 
Image credit: iStock

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