A recent survey sponsored by Nasunihas revealed that cloud projects are a higher priority for organisations than artificial intelligence (AI) initiatives. While data management, security, and cost reduction are common themes across all areas of investment, the survey highlights the predominance of cloud storage in corporate investment plans. Conducted in early 2024, the survey gathered insights from 1,150 decision-makers in the US, UK, and DACH region, providing a comprehensive look into the current landscape of hybrid cloud, AI, cybersecurity, and data storage management.

Cloud Investment: A Top Priority

According to the survey, most organisations (84%) already utilise cloud storage. However, cloud investment remains a critical part of corporate strategies, with 54% of respondents planning to invest further in cloud data management and analytics within the next 18 months. Key areas of focus include enhancing cloud security (45%) and optimising cloud costs (36%). The primary benefits anticipated from these investments are improved data security and recovery times (59%), enhanced application performance (56%), and increased scalability and flexibility (55%). Moreover, organisations expect these cloud initiatives to boost business efficiency (64%), data security and resilience (62%), and customer experience (54%).

AI: A Secondary but Significant Focus

While AI is not as high on the priority list as cloud investments, it still represents a significant area of interest for 48% of the respondents. The primary expected outcomes from AI investments include advanced data management (60%), cost reductions (58%), workflow automation (57%), and enhanced customer experience (52%). Despite these promising prospects, several challenges hinder AI deployment. These include data privacy and security concerns (42%), a lack of skilled personnel (35%), reliance on third-party vendors (30%), and difficulties in identifying clear use cases for AI (27%). Additionally, 22% of respondents expressed concerns about the potential for AI initiatives to create data silos.

Cybersecurity: Confidence Amid Challenges

Cybersecurity remains a critical concern for organisations, with 27% of respondents reporting no cyberattacks in the past year. However, 20% managed to detect and mitigate attacks efficiently, while another 20% faced significant costs due to downtime, data loss, and reputational damage. Despite these challenges, 40% of respondents expressed high confidence in their multi-layered security approach, good security hygiene, and well-trained teams. The confidence is mainly due to robust data backup and recovery systems (49%), effective detection tools (47%), dedicated security teams (47%), well-practised response plans (40%), and the use of AI/ML cyber-defence tools (33%).

The Nasuni-sponsored survey underscores the ongoing importance of cloud storage and data management in corporate investment strategies. While AI is also a significant area of focus, its deployment faces more challenges compared to cloud initiatives. Organisations prioritise investments in cloud data management, security, and cost optimisation, anticipating substantial improvements in business efficiency, data security, and customer experience. Despite the prevalence of cyberattacks, organisations remain confident in their ability to defend against future threats, thanks to comprehensive security measures and advanced technologies. As businesses navigate the evolving technological landscape, these insights provide a roadmap for future investments and strategic priorities.

Source Credit: Nasuni
Image Credit: iStock


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cloud investment, AI initiatives, data management, cybersecurity, hybrid cloud A recent Nasuni-sponsored survey reveals that cloud projects take precedence over AI initiatives for organizations, with a focus on cloud data management, security, and cost reduction.