• Artificial Intelligence in Anaesthesia and Critical Care - Temptations and Pitfalls

    Big data, Artificial Intelligence (AI) and machine learning are buzzwords. In this article, we briefly discuss what they mean for anaesthesiologists and intensivists, focusing on existing clinical applications.     We are today able to collect and store a considerable amount of patient-related data. These “big” data are typically part...

  • Using iMg Testing for Clinical Management in the ICU

    An overview of ionised serum magnesium as an important biomarker for critically ill patients and how iMg testing is utilised at Mater Intensive Care.     Ionised Serum Magnesium - An Important Biomarker Magnesium is the fourth most common cation in the body and the second most abundant intracellular cation, exceeded only by potassium....

  • Transforming a PICU in the Digital Age

    Digitalisation is ultimately the driving force behind digital transformation. It will take us from a reactive healthcare system to a proactive one that focuses on prediction and prevention.     Introduction The digital transformation has left a few things untouched in recent years, radically changing healthcare management for citizens,...

  • Greener ICU

    Intensive care units are essential in providing life-saving care to critically ill patients. However, ICUs can have an environmental impact. Approximately  5% of worldwide anthropogenic greenhouse gases  result from healthcare activities.   ICUs use significant energy to power equipment, ventilators, monitoring systems, and other life-support...

  • Moving Environmental Sustainability from the Fringe to the Centre Ground in Critical Care

    Critical care must move to a way of working that recognises climate change is a medical emergency, necessitating us all to put sustainability at the forefront of our actions as a multidisciplinary team working together in the best interests of our patients, our environment and our resources.   Planetary Health and Public Health  People’s...

  • Green ICU-4Ps: It Is Not An Option To Not Accomplish It

    The critically ill patient should be framed within sustainable medicine. It is crucial to mitigate the causes so that we do not have to adapt to the undesirable effects of the unsustainability of our clinical practice. We propose a simultaneous approach to sustainability in people, products, processes, and our planet.   Introduction and Justification...

  • Carbon Footprint in ICU: A New Meaningful Outcome in Research Trials

    Reducing the carbon footprint in healthcare is a requirement for guaranteeing the best future for humanity. Here we suggest that the carbon footprint be assessed as a potential endpoint for future trials in critical care.   Environmental Impact in Critical Care The climate crisis is a threat to global health. The temperature of the atmosphere...

  • Intravenous Fluids in Critically Ill Patients: When Less is Better

    While intravenous fluids have traditionally been a routine treatment for most critically ill patients, many severe pathologies now suggest a preference for conservative fluid therapy over liberal fluid administration.   Introduction Intravenous fluid resuscitation began in 1832 during the cholera pandemic, improving intravascular volume...

  • Current Airway Management During Anaesthesia - The STARGATE Study

    An overview of the International obServational sTudy on AiRway manaGement in operAting room and non-operaTing room anaEsthesia (STARGATE study) that will collect information on peri-intubation adverse events and airway management procedures in adult patients undergoing general anaesthesia to receive surgery or other diagnostic/therapeutic procedures....

  • Medical Errors in the Preanalytical Phase of Blood Gases Test

    The preanalytical phase of the blood gases study is the most susceptible to errors, causing increased time and costs for patients and hospitals. Knowledge and training of the involved health personnel must be constant to improve results.   Introduction Arterial or venous blood gases test is a frequent tool in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU)...

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