• Emergency pre-hospital care challenges: Greece

    The ongoing economic crisis in Greece and inflow of refugees has led to changes to the pre-hospital emergency medicine services. Greece is a country of 10.1 million inhabitants, half of whom live in six cities: Athens, Thessaloniki, Heraklion, Patra, Larissa and Ioannina. In recent years the country drew media attention because of the financial...

  • The Accelerate Pheno™ system in clinical practice: fast and accurate turnaround for critical results

    Our clinical experiences of using the Accelerate Pheno™ system have greatly benefited patient care, providing earlier diagnostic certainty. Two complex sepsis cases are discussed, where the impact of rapid identification, with antibiotic sensitivities, of the causative organism from blood cultures is described. At Hampshire Hospitals NHS...

  • Point-of care ultrasonography in critical care

    A brief overview of point-of-care ultrasound (POCUS) in the ICU: for the already converted, a reminder of how POCUS has changed ICU practice; for the ultrasound naïve, an aperitif to leave the reader with interest in this evolving paradigm shift of patient care. As intensivists, we have all faced this scenario: a 28-year-old woman, 35...

  • Management of bleeding in visceral surgery and liver transplantation

    The implementation of patient blood management programmes led to reduced blood product usage. However, haemorrhage secondary to major surgery remains a major cause of potentially preventable death. Considering the heterogeneity of procedures and technical approaches, it is not surprising that the bleeding risk stratification for visceral surgery...

  • Making the case for social work practice in the care of critically ill ICU patients

    The role of the ICU social worker End-of-life issues occur frequently in the intensive care unit (ICU). The specific training and skills received by social workers provides them with the necessary tools to collaborate with the interdisciplinary team and provide holistic care to the patient and family. Research has shown that there is great variation...

  • Emirates Critical Care conference: where east meets west

    Professor Hussain Al Rahma is Head of the Emergency and Critical Care Services Directorate at Al Zahra Hospital in Dubai, UAE. He is Chairman of the Emirates Critical Care Conference, President of the International Pan-Arab Critical Care Medicine Society and President of the Emirates Intensive Care Society. Dr. Al Rahma studied medicine at King...

  • Distributing a life source in Africa

    Lifebank has developed crucial infrastructure in Nigeria, enabling the efficient transportation and storage of blood, saving thousands of lives. HealthManagement editor Marianna Keen spoke to CEO and founder Temie Giwa-Tubosun about her journey. To what degree has the blood shortage in Nigeria been tackled so far, due to the work of LifeBank?...

  • Study: Air pollution associated with ARDS hospitalisation in over 65s

    A comparison of hospital admissions of patients over 65 and air pollution in the USA has found an association between exposure to pollutants and admission for acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS). The study was presented at the annual meeting of the American Thoracic Society.   The researchers analysed data by zip code from nearly 30 million...

  • European Society of Intensive Care Medicine Diversity Task Force

    In March the European Society of Intensive Care Medicine (ESICM) ( esicm.org ) announced its Diversity Task Force (pictured), which will draft a policy paper and code of conduct related to gender, gender identity, age, sexual orientation, race, culture, socioeconomic status and multi professionalism. ESICM is the first major international medical society...

  • Addressing the gender gap in critical care

    A “persistent and pervasive” gender gap in academic critical care medicine is highlighted in a recent article in Critical Care Medicine by Geeta Mehta, MD, of the Department of Medicine and Interdepartmental Division of Critical Care Medicine, Sinai Health System, University of Toronto, Canada and colleagues from Canada and the UK (Mehta et al. 2018)....

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