• Innovations in ICU ventilation

    The future delivered   In this article, we aim to summarise the developments in mechanical ventilation that we believe are shaping the present and will shape the future ahead.   Introduction   Many centuries ago, Socrates stated that “the secret of change is to focus all of your energy, not on fighting the old, but on building the...

  • Data-driven management for intensive care units

    This article focuses on the clinical and practical application of current available cloud-based data analysis to benchmarking in real-time and to optimise clinical care in the ICU.   Introduction   The ICU is a highly technological environment where each patient data generates thousands of data-points per day. However, most of this data is...

  • Technology innovations in delivering accurate nutrition

    Preventing malnutrition and enforcing nutritional guidelines   An overview of the key obstacles for the enforcement of nutritional guidelines and innovative approaches that can be used to overcome these obstacles.   Recent studies suggest that nutritional guidelines across the majority of intensive care units (ICUs) are not being implemented...

  • The Intensive Care Unit - Past, Present and Future

    A quick look at why ICUs need to innovate and what lies ahead for the new ICU. 

  • The establishment and provision of an acute kidney injury service at a tertiary renal centre

    An overview of the acute kidney injury service launched at the Lancashire Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust   The acute kidney injury service at Lancashire Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust was launched in October 2015. Key stakeholders were identified and included in the service development from the beginning and throughout which...

  • Communication myths of anaesthetists

    Vital minutes before unconsciousness   Anaesthesia is a diverse specialty with a wide range of necessary skills, one of which is effective communication.   The myth that anaesthetists pick the specialty ‘because you don’t need to talk to your patients’ persists. Whether said in jest or disdain this concept gains ground because, yes...

  • The role of the Physician Assistant in critical care

    Physician Assistants play a leading role in the safe, efficient, value-based delivery of healthcare for the critically ill patient.   Since inception in the mid-1960s, the Physician Asssitant (PA) profession has grown to become an integral part of healthcare delivery. As the name implies, PAs were historically seen as assistants to the physician,...

  • Pain management through multimodal analgesia in the ICU

    Overview and focus on regional anaesthesia   Opioid dependency is a serious problem in the ICU. Opioids are effective at providing pain relief because they reduce the perception of the pain signal. At the same time, opioids are associated with respiratory depression, cough suppression, confusion, and drowsiness. In addition, there is a risk...

  • Concluding remarks

    Reducing sedation and managing and treating pain are important objectives for clinicians. The primary goal should always be to promote the comfort of the patient and to minimise pain through the proper use of multimodal analgesia. The use of opioid drugs should be avoided unless absolutely necessary; and focus should be placed on achieving pain control...

  • Sleep index, wakefulness can predict patient ability to breathe on their own

    According to new research, critically ill patients can be more successfully weaned from a mechanical ventilator if they have higher levels of wakefulness and if both their right and left brains experience the same depth of sleep. The article titled "Sleep and Pathological Wakefulness at Time of Liberation from Mechanical Ventilation" is published in...

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