• A Stronger Europe

    Current times are marked by considerable problems and challenges in Europe. We are still suffering from the effects of the economic and financial crises. Discussions of public debt in the Member States still dominate activities. Crisis management is required. It is important that the overall perspective of Europe as a successful model for peace and...

  • Council of the European Union Reaches Conclusions on Innovation in Medical Device Sector

    After a meeting of the Employment, Social Policy, Health and Consumer Affairs Council in Luxembourg on the 6th June 2011 the Council issued its conclusions on innovation in the medical device sector. Taking into consideration the major long-term societal changes facing Europe, which will call for innovative healthcare systems, the Council of the...

  • EU Funds Further Learning for Nurses

    Qualified nurses seeking extra support in learning how to deal with people who are very distressed and disturbed can now take a course. Researchers led by Professor Mary Chambers of Kingston University and St George's, University of London in the United Kingdom developed a new course for nurses, helping them use effective and ethically sound approaches....

  • Digital Health

    Over 90 percent of Europe's hospitals are connected to broadband and 80 percent have electronic patient record systems, but only 4 percent grant patients online access to those records. The findings emerge from an extensive investigation for the European Commission's Information Society and Media Directorate-General into the use acute hospitals make...

  • Enhancing Prescribing Efficiency Through Increased Utilisation of Generics at Low Prices

    Pharmaceutical expenditure is increasingly scrutinised across all sectors due to its rapid growth outstripping other components of healthcare. This growth has been driven by well-known factors. These include changing demographics, strict clinical outcome targets, rising patient expectations, continued pressure from pharmaceutical companies and the...

  • The Obstacles to Safe Medication Administration

    In Norwegian hospitals pharmaceuticals are put out to tender in order to save costs. Each year a list of the hospital's drugs is prepared based on the results of these tenders. This article describes the practical consequences of this procedure, based on a study among hospital nurses. The results showed quite unanimously that the nurses were concerned...

  • Overview of Healthcare in the United Kingdom

    Healthcare in the United Kingdom (UK) is mainly provided by the National Health Service, a public health service, which provides healthcare that is free at the point of use to all permanent residents of the UK, and is paid for from general taxation. Though the public system dominates healthcare provision in the UK, private healthcare and a wide variety...

  • Les « Care Pathways »

    Des Programmes De Soins Integres Proposent une Personnalisation Des Soins Pour Repondre Aux Exigences Des Patients Les systèmes de santé sont en évolution et le rôle des patients également. Ils sont passés d'un comportement passif d'acceptation à celui de consommateurs actifs en ce qui concerne les soins de santé. Ils veulent être informés et...

  • Évaluer La Dénutrition Chez Les Patients Hospitalisés

    Les patients hospitalisés dont l'état nutritionnel s'est dégradé au cours de leur séjour souffrent fréquemment de dénutrition mais elle est souvent méconnue. Les conséquences en sont des risques plus élevés d'infections, de complications et une augmentation de la durée d'hospitalisation, occasionnant par là des frais supplémentaires aux établissements...

  • Betreuungspfade: Maßgeschneiderte Pflege Für Die Wechselnden Ansprüche Des Modernen Patienten

    Die Gesundheitssysteme verändern sich. Die Rolle der Patienten verändert sich ebenso, von einer passiveren Stellung hin zum aktiven Konsumenten der Gesundheitsversorgung. Patienten möchten informiert und einbezogen werden, und legen gesteigerten Wert auf Qualität und Sicherheit. Innerhalb von Pflegeeinrichtungen wurde die individuelle Patient-Arzt-Beziehung...

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