Amsterdam UMC has chosen to merge the image management infrastructure of the Academic Medical Center (AMC) and VU medical center (VUmc) into a single entity, with Agfa HealthCare’s Enterprise Imaging platform. Agfa HealthCare will provide all hardware and software, and will be responsible for the complete management of the enterprise-wide solution.
Both AMC and VUmc had been working with Enterprise Imaging for many years. So, merging their installations was a natural evolution, resulting in many collaborative advantages and reducing cost of ownership.
In this ambitious project, more than 30 departments will be connected to a central archive. In practice, this means that all images from radiology, cardiology and all other specialties will be accessible across the hospital and integrated into the medical record by means of Enterprise Imaging and the universal web-based XERO viewer.
About 14 000 staff members from both hospitals will be using the platform, thus, making Amsterdam UMC the largest Enterprise Imaging installation in the Netherlands. All authorised users will have easy access to all images. The on-premise infrastructure will remain at Amsterdam UMC, facilitated by Atos.
Benefits include access to all medical images in the hospital, a lighter workload for IT employees, and increased delivery of quality patient care.
“We are very proud that Amsterdam UMC has chosen Agfa HealthCare solutions, and entrusted us with the management of all software and hardware. Together with Atos, we can deliver a solution that will ‘unburden’ the hospital, so to speak”, according to John Emmerik, Managing Director at Agfa HealthCare Netherlands.
Source: Agfa Healthcare