• What are the most promising advances in ultrasound technology for clinical practice?

    Contrast-enhanced ultrasound (CEUS) in clinical practice hasn’t fully completed its cycle of development. Though we have been working on it for over 20 years, it’s entering into a new phase. The most exciting is the paediatric application of CEUS, with recent regulatory approval for certain use.   The European Federation of Societies for Ultrasound...

  • Sustainable access to affordable medicines: how can the multilateral trading system contribute?

    The 2015 UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) set the target of access to "safe, effective, quality and affordable essential medicines and vaccines for all”, access to medicines long recognised as integral to achieving the right to health.  Yet the SDGs also stressed the need for coordination and cooperation -  emphasising the role of trade, partnership...

  • doRadiology apps review

    App Name Do Radiology Description   This is a series of radiology apps. The creators of the apps describe them as ‘Dynamic, immersive radiology environment’.   The topics covered are: MR imaging in prostate cancer Neuroradiology imaging in stroke Fundamentals in thoracic imaging Thoracic imaging –...

  • Will point-of-care ultrasound replace the stethoscope?

    With a technology like point-of-care ultrasound (POCUS), there are two options for how to develop this technology and spread it in the community. Either you bring technology and have people use it, or you realise that the value of technology by itself is very limited without augmenting it by providing education. I use the example of the stethoscope,...

  • How to Tackle Diabetic Retinopathy in a Megalopolis like Mexico?

    Imagine travelling to Portugal or Cuba and that 100% of the population you see has diabetes! This sounds like a nightmare to me, and I would assume the same for you if you know the burden this disease represents for health systems. This science fiction scenario is no longer fiction in Mexico, we are one of the most affected countries in the world due to...

  • Pros and Cons of Buying an Oracular AI System for Daily Decision-Making in a Hospital Setting

      First of all, what is an Oracular Artificial Intelligence (OAI) system? Like any oracle, we describe it as any decision aid capable of providing its users with very accurate responses (ie, no more than one error out of 20) and little or no explanation for that advice. Deep learning systems that analyse masses in mammograms are an example of...

  • The essential Guide for Doing a Personal SWOT Analysis

    Improve Yourself and Your Healthcare Organisation One of the most basic lessons you learn in first year business school is the SWOT analysis - strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. It's a great framework to apply to your business to understand what you do well, what you can improve on, and where the greatest threats to your organisation...

  • Gender as Parameter when Planning Quality Improvement in Clinical Pathways

    Different preferences based on gender, influence the patient’s perspective of good quality in care and treatment. As future healthcare points towards more outpatient treatment and less hospitalisation, and as the majority of quality-studies are related to patients who are hospitalised or have chronic diseases, it seems interesting to explore the patient...

  • How is the British Institute of Radiology Meeting the Challenges of Today's Healthcare Environment

    The most significant challenge facing any membership organisation is how to stay relevant in today's healthcare world of free information and high clinical workloads and pressures. This is exacerbated by increasing specialisation and the need to stay abreast of developments in a fast-changing medical world. Examples of the increased complexity of imaging and...

  • Why EXEC cybersecurity training is better than MBA

    What would you remove from current business training and education, what would you replace it with and why?   I would replace the outdated leadership and ethics courses with a cybersecurity and ethical leadership course, which would reframe the business world and provide the definitions for the new normality. Risk management education would...

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