• Healthcare Revolution in Africa through Public-Private Partnerships

    Over the last twenty years, Africa’s population has increased by 2.5% per year and by 2050, the population is expected to rise to about 2.4 billion, with some of the countries doubling or even tripling their numbers; making Africa the region with the largest population growth. This places the continent in a favourable position with a large proportion...

  • Reinventing breast tomosynthesis

    Expanding leadership based on clinical evidence  In early September, Hologic launched the new 3Dimensions™ mammography system , a breast tomosynthesis system with the fastest and highest resolution, in EMEA. I recently had the pleasure of showcasing this cutting-edge device at the European Society of Breast Imaging (EUSOBI) Annual Scientific Meeting,...

  • How can the Internet of Things and people help improve our health, wellbeing and quality of life?

      Prof. Maged N. Kamel Boulos introduces his Keynote talk at the 4th EAI International Conference on IoT Technologies for HealthCare, Angers, France, October 24, 2017.    The Internet of Things (IoT) is made of sensors and other components that connect our version of the world made of atoms (i.e., us humans, our devices, vehicles, roads, buildings,...

  • Recruiting centres for ICP monitoring study (SynapseICU)

    SYNAPSE-ICU  An international prospective observational StudY on iNtrAcranial PreSsurE in intensive care (ICU) , endorsed by the European Society of Intensive Care Medicine (ESICM), is now enrolling participant centres.   What is Synapse-ICU? Intracranial pressure (ICP) monitoring is the most common neuromonitoring modality used in neurocritical...

  • Reflections on smart data healthcare future

    Gradually, computerised health data is being implemented in hospitals or in doctor communities.   Computerisation radically changes accessibility moving away from the comfort zone linked to paper and creating a new space for information systems.   It thus reaches a New World literally and figuratively. One could compare the data ‘revolution’...

  • The small print of Medical Device Single Audit Program (MDSAP)

    Beside the new European Medical Device Regulation (MDR), there is another major regulatory challenge for the current medical device industry - the Medical Device Single Audit Program (MDSAP). MDR came into force in early 2017, whereas MDSAP will become mandatory for all manufacturers who want to sell their medical devices in Canada in 2019 and...

  • The Listening Post: rewards of listening to our customers

    Good Health is something that all of us look forward to. Many a times we also take it for granted. Caring for our health is an intrinsic part of our daily lives. We watch what we eat, we exercise, we consume tonnes of advice on managing our health needs and we visit healthcare facilities when we believe we need expert care. When we engage with a healthcare...

  • Artificial intelligence (AI) - tales of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde

    Revelations about Amazon’s “secret” 1492 project, where AI is meant to be applied in the health domain has continued to fuel the AI discussion and the future of digital health. Amazon’s 1492 seems to be the latest example of yet another attempt to utilise next generation networks, ever increasing computing power and more sophisticated data mining strategies....

  • Your healing is complete. You may now unplug the doctor

    Venetia I. Kyritsi Corporate Communication & Public Relations Manager, eHealth Forum  A couple of weeks ago I dropped my phone on a scorching pile of sand as one does when trying to manoeuvre a small niece (toys included), an extra-large beach tote, fishing gear, keys, lunch, water and coffee. Naturally, I grabbed...

  • Women’s health remains an unfinished agenda—how do we reset the agenda?

    This question is taken from the descriptor for the panel discussion ‘Prioritising Women’s Health’ at the Health Care Summit taking place on the 10th of October 2017.   What is the state of women’s health?  Women’s health remains an unfinished agenda.  Health interventions and infrastructures are dominated by short term rather than long term objectives. ...

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