Gradually, computerised health data is being implemented in hospitals or in doctor communities.
Computerisation radically changes accessibility moving away from the comfort zone linked to paper and creating a new space for information systems.
It thus reaches a New World literally and figuratively. One could compare the data ‘revolution’ to 1492 when Christopher Columbus discovered the Americas.
The explosion of information technology, rapid and efficient low-cost information systems and the evolution of computerised files in hospitals are gradually building new health data warehouses. This mass of information that is not completely organised today will inevitably become so and open up new possibilities from the simple disappearance of paper giving way to new concepts and adding value to information - if it is well organised, used, interpreted.
New Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools have seen their performance evolve exponentially (just remember Deep Blue Chess Champion and today Watson).
Tomorrow therefore offers us no surprises, for it is understood that AI will play a part in healthcare. But new results must be organised, or better anticipated, because there is no doubt that the creation of digital avatars, our duplicative information, will not only improve health, but also follow us in parallel in our daily lives and in computer science.
It is in this context that we must simultaneously reflect not only on the consequences of these new results but also on the new uses of AI that can have a positive constructive and reparative meaning for the health of the patients. Beware, however, of the underlying danger already described by many authors like Georges Orwell (1984).
Ultimately, the use of these new potentials will also describe a vision of human maturity. It will specify the position that can be taken with regard to these new possibilities: should we not ensure (or at least hope) that security and ethics will no longer be obligations but ethical values defended in healthcare as imagined Hippocrates 2000 years ago.
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What would you single out as a career highlight?
The creation of the Kashmir Laboratory.
If you had not chosen this career path you would have become a…?
A lot of things. I am a chronically curious.
What are your personal interests outside of work?
Culture, books, science, sports.
Your favourite quote?
When you do not get what you want, perhaps you did not take the right path to success.