• Epinephrine for out-of-hospital cardiac arrest

    Insights from the PARAMEDIC2 trial and future improvements Perkins et al. have advanced the long-awaited PARAMEDIC2 trial (Perkins et al. 2018). They deserve to be congratulated for such a well-interpreted and well-designed contribution. The study’s two main outcomes are as follows: the Epinephrine group had a significantly improved inpatient survival...

  • How can quality improvement be learned in bite sizes?

    Quality Improvement (QI) methods in healthcare are normally delivered through classroom-based education. This traditional way of training individuals creates an abundance of barriers such as financial outlay, geographical spread of learners, suitable time and venues for hosting training sessions etc. for educating multi-professional groups who need...

  • Prompt cards in the Emergency Department

    Human factors are a well recognised cause of discrepancies in patient care that can lead to adverse outcomes. In a busy Emergency Department (ED) setting, when dealing with the sickest patients at all hours and with a rotating workforce, there is an increased potential for inconsistent care despite clear evidence based protocols and guidelines on...

  • A patient-centred approach to mammography

    Head radiologist provides feedback on department’s three-year use of the Hologic Selenia® Dimensions® 3D Mammography™ System In an exclusive interview with HealthManagement.org, Dr. Annie Philippou Papoutsou explains how the implementation of Hologic’s Selenia® Dimensions® 3D Mammography™ System has helped radiologists to detect more cancers,...

  • What is #hellomynameis day?

    23 July marks international #hellomynameis day, the campaign which spreads the message on something that is sadly lacking in some healthcare quarters: simple and human communication between staff and patients. HealthManagement.org caught up with campaign co-founder, Chris Pointon, to find out about the wildfire changes the campaign is making in...

  • What is needed to ensure radiology and clinical oncology can support the NHS for another 70 years?

    The National Health Service (NHS) was created to provide medical care for all, free at the point of use. Now 70 years old, it is a national treasure under intense strain, battling to provide the best modern medicine to an ever-growing, ageing UK population.   Both radiology and clinical oncology are vital to the health service. Most patient diagnoses...

  • A letter to Kathy - from an intensive care nurse

    As a nurse working in intensive care I have moments in which emotions get much deeper than expected. My own vulnerability is confronting. Do I lose control or do I experience the essence of my job as a nurse? Kathy, your story on YouTube and your saying “the touch that isn’t effective or that didn’t hurt” made a deep impression on me. Every...

  • The Death of the Stethoscope? Heart Doctors Have Their Say

    Most people don't think much about stethoscopes but the fact is that this tool, so commonly associated with doctors, is at a crossroads. Having been in use for nearly two centuries, the stethoscope is in the midst of a debate with respect to its utility in healthcare.  Over the years, medical technology has advanced to a great extent. The sounds...

  • Healthcare of the future: Disney’s ‘Black Mirror’

    We are getting used to hear that all sorts of technological innovations will help men and women live almost eternally without suffering: magic seeds, like the beans in the fairy tale, that grow without water and with therapeutic properties; colour pills that will extend our lives beyond 200 years; gene therapies that will eliminate cancer; brain...

  • What is VR's role in disaster recovery and emergency response training?

    As Virtual reality (VR) becomes more accessible, it has infiltrated most industries that are trying to use the newest technology to innovate their business practices. There are many instances in which experiencing a situation virtually offers many benefits, especially when attempting to prepare for high risk situations. This has made VR a highly beneficial...

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