• Zoom On: Rolf Rossaint

    Rolf Rossaint is a Professor and Chairman of the Department of Anaesthesiology of the University Hospital at the RWTH University Aachen, Germany. Prof. Rossaint has published several high-quality studies dealing with the treatment of severe acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS). He has also been actively involved in research on the pathophysiology...

  • The Urgent Need for Digital Skills in Healthcare

    Technology is playing a larger role than ever in healthcare, and with the latest iteration of the NHS’s Long Term plan stating that it intends to integrate technology to previously unprecedented levels, the fact that workforces are still significantly lacking in digital skills is worrying. While admirable steps have been taken in recent years, such...

  • Zoom On: Sapna Kudchadkar

    Sapna Kudchadkar is an Associate Professor of Anesthesiology and Critical Care Medicine, Pediatrics and Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine. Her areas of interest include sleep disturbances in critically ill children, paediatric delirium prevention and management, sedation, and paediatric ICU rehabilitation...

  • Addressing Overall Expenditures in the U.S. Health Care

      PART 1   It is important to differentiate between the terms of costs, cost containment, expenditures, and price. Cost is usually the amount spent to produce goods or services. Cost containment is a dominant problem in the health care field, but not addressed from a comprehensive management and policy perspective. In order to...

  • Part Two - Addressing Overall Expenditures in the U.S. Health Care

    The factors that may influence the shift of the supply are the change in costs for suppliers, change in medical technology and change in many physicians in the healthcare industry. On the other hand, the factors that may influence the shift of the demand are the change in population or market size, change in patient preferences, change in the price...

  • Taking Responsibility for Avoidable Patient Deaths

    Unmonitored opioid deaths at home after surgery. Primum Non Nocere. First, do no harm. These wise words form the basis of the oath sworn to our patients. With the vast array of treatment models, administration, and decisions in medicine today, this oath is more poignant than ever. Medical Errors are the third leading cause...

  • Cross Collaboration Catalyst in the US Health System

    The name of one of Mike Biselli’s most recent projects, ‘Catalyst HTI’ explicitly sums up the man. An innovator and hugely successful entrepreneur who is making big changes within the US health industry. Mike has excelled as a former collegiate athlete and scholar at Stanford University. After graduation, he worked for several medical device companies...

  • Power to the Patients?

    Renowned cardiologist and Director of the Scripps Translational Science Institute Eric Topol believes that the future of medicine will include doctors making appointments with patients.  There was a time in healthcare when patients were dependent on doctors for medical tests. However, Dr. Topol believes that the future will not be so. Instead,...

  • Zoom On: Dr Immanuel Azaad Moonesar

    Dr Moonesar is highly experienced in Health Policy, Sytems Research, Quality Management and Dietetics within the Health & Education sector. He has over 90 publications and his areas of research interests, include Maternal & Child Health, service loyalty and perceptions, health promotion and education, healthcare leadership management, quality...

  • Advancing Healthcare with Next-Gen RAIN RFID

    RAIN Radio Frequency ID (Passive UHF RFID) technology has transformed various industries over the past two decades, yet the limitations of fixed readers in both accuracy and range have constrained deployment, leaving many organisations reliant on the more accurate but resource draining manual handheld readers or very expensive RFID active tags systems....

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