• Connected Care and Utilisation of Patient Data

    Connecting care teams to patients can drive patient engagement and improve treatment processes that can assist cooperative care. HealthManagement.org interviewed Xavier Battle, head of Marketing and Sales for the Digital Health Business Line for Siemens Healthineers, about the importance and benefits of connected care, application of real-time data,...

  • Addressing Tomorrow’s Radiology Workflow & Workforce Issues with Today’s Technology

    Breast cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer in women, accounting for one in four annual cancer cases world wide 1  In Europe alone, 576,337 women were diagnosed with the disease in the year 2020 2  Breast cancer can have devastating effects on patients and the people around them, as the disease kills more European women than any other cancer....

  • So Why am I Worrying Now? Thoughts from the UK on Pandemic Times

      My Dear Readers, Time is flying, and here I am again, sharing my thoughts as a registered nurse working during a very dramatic time.   The first half of the year of 2021 is over. If you reflect now, one can not comprehend of what has happened in the world during these last months. It is almost impossible. Where will one start and stop?...

  • What About Post-Corona?

    Is there a time after COVID-19? Do you regularly hear the question of what we will do after COVID-19? Or what should we do? This is a strange question, because there will be no time after Coronavirus. Corona is an endemic virus, that is among us and does not go away. There is also no time after Influenza. Endemic viruses are here. We need to take...

  • The Importance of Reliable Reprocessing of Hospital Beds

    Reliable hygiene is currently a topic that shapes every aspect of our daily lives. More than ever before, the successful fight against dangerous viruses and multi-resistant germs in hospitals and other healthcare facilities is particularly important. High occupancy rates and resulting staff shortages are amplifying the challenge.   However, hospital...

  • We Can Eradicate Cervical Cancer!

    Scientific knowledge eradicated smallpox, a painful and disfiguring disease which killed 300 million people in the 20th century alone. In case anyone has skimmed over this feat of moral greatness, let me say it again: Scientific knowledge eradicated smallpox, a painful and disfiguring disease which killed 300 million people in the 20th century alone....

  • Digital Healthcare Focus: European Hospitals on Fire (FHIR) EMH-onFHIR

    In this space I will explore monthly topics, from concepts to technologies, related to the necessary steps to build Digital Healthcare Systems. For this month, I have invited Mr Giorgio Cangioli to co-author a brief article on Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources (FHIR), as hospitals and their interconnections are a critical asset and next...

  • An Epiphany from Inside the COVID-19 Crisis in the UK

    The Lockdown May End, But Nursing Will Continue My dear readers it is time again for my monthly update: It has been two weeks now since we have some semblance of our lives back in the United Kingdom. Well, almost. All shops, cinemas, theatres, and concert halls are open. Also the UK has reopened for tourism, meaning people are allowed to enter...

  • How Efficiency Gains in the Pathology Department may Impact the Breast Cancer Care Continuum

    Thanks to early detection through routine breast screening as well as effective and efficient treatment, breast cancer patient survival rates have been increasing since 1989, especially for women under 50. 1  However, today Breast cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer in women, accounting for one in four annual cancer cases worldwide and kills...

  • Tsunami of COVID-19 Patients in India

    Expert Interview with Prof Shirish Prayag, Director, Critical Care Medicine at Prayag Hospital Shree Medical Foundation and Editorial Board Member, ICU Management and Practice. What is the current state of COVID-19 in India? The current state is really devastating. We are facing a tsunami - not just a wave of patients - but a tsunami, really....

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