• 5 Strategies to Ensure Gender Parity in Critical Care Medicine

    Intensive care clinicians and researchers from around the world have published recommendations to improve the acknowledged gender inequity in the discipline, making a strong call to action “to better leverage our collective talent to the benefit of our profession and critically ill patients worldwide”. The article is available ahead of print in the...

  • Why Don’t We Introduce Patients Into Healthcare Management?

    “Good morning Mr. Smith. Good to see you, how are you doing? You’re looking for a new car? That’s good news. We decided that it’s going to be a Ford Focus, ST, 2.0 Eco-boost, 184 KW, 6-gear. Let’s see in our stock if there is a possibility for you to choose the colour—otherwise it will be a red one." Does this conversation look strange to you? I hope...

  • 4 Things To Start Doing Today to Reduce Medical Errors

    1. Practise Good Self-Care It’s vital for your personal wellbeing that you take adequate breaks from work, including time for relaxation and respite in the form of hobbies and outdoor activities. Yoga and meditation can be particularly helpful for maintaining a balanced and clear mind, which equips you for making good, logical decisions that are not...

  • Ann Marie O'Grady: New HealthManagement.org EXEC Editor-in-Chief

    HealthManagement.org is pleased to introduce the new Editor-in-Chief for EXEC, Ms. Ann Marie O'Grady. O’Grady is Chief Executive of Leopardstown Park Hospital, Dublin, a specialist hospital for older people encompassing services that include rehabilitation, respite care, sheltered housing, day-care services and residential care. It is a not-for-profit independent...

  • 5 Deadliest Diseases in Human History; 1 Eradicated

    AIDS Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS), which gradually interferes with the immune system and makes a person more prone to infection and tumours, was first recognised in 1981. Since then, it has led to the deaths of more than 25 million people. According to the United Nations Report on the Global AIDS Epidemic2013 , an estimated...

  • 4 Diseases That Will be Eradicated in the Current Century

    Poliomyelitis The lowest annual polio prevalence seen to date was in 2016, with 37 reported cases, so this disease may well be next to be eradicated. The following world regions have been declared polio-free: The Americas (1994); Indo-West Pacific region (1997); Europe (1998); Western Pacific region, including China (2000); and Southeast...

  • Opportunities to be Mindful Lurk in Every Clinical Encounter

    The wife of a hospitalised friend called me one Saturday morning in tears. Gary had been diagnosed two weeks earlier with early-stage bladder cancer and underwent cystoscopic surgery. The catheter was removed a few days later then was put back in because of urinary retention. His urologist removed the catheter, again, on a Thursday afternoon. By Friday...

  • High Time for Shift to a Better Model of Radiology

    For the Russian state-based public healthcare system, the concept of value-based imaging could be regarded as a new one. So far it is sill mostly based on reimbursement according to volume of radiological services. But this situation has to be changed rapidly. During the last years our government has taken a course to promote preventive and high-technology...

  • What is Medical Improv and How Can it Help Us in Healthcare?

    Medical Improv is an exciting teaching tool that can be used to promote emotional intelligence, communication, teamwork, and leadership skills in healthcare professionals. It is different from improv comedy because the focus is on learning instead of performing.  In this emerging field, practitioners adapt experiential activities from the world of...

  • 3 Must Attend Conferences in 2017 for Imaging

    2017 will see the inauguration of several imaging conferences around the world.  Clinicians, managers and leading experts are gathering at different events in Europe and beyond to discuss and highlight current issues in imaging and radiology.  HealthManagement.org has picked the top three must-attend conferences taking place this year… European...

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