Search Tag: Decision Support

Decision Support

2024 01 Sep

  As healthcare models evolve to meet the demands of an ageing population and the constraints imposed by global health crises, the Hospital at Home (HaH) model has emerged as a promising alternative to traditional hospitalisation. This model allows patients to receive acute hospital-level care in the comfort of their homes, offering numerous benefits,...Read more

IMAGING Management

2024 10 Jul

  Combined hepatocellular carcinoma-cholangiocarcinoma (cHCC-CCA) is a rare and complex subtype of primary liver cancer (PLC), characterised by the presence of both hepatocytic and biliary components. Its incidence ranges from 0.4% to 14.2% among PLCs, and its prognosis and treatment have been contentious due to its rarity and histologic heterogeneity....Read more

Decision Support

2024 10 Jul

  Combined hepatocellular carcinoma-cholangiocarcinoma (cHCC-CCA) is a rare and complex subtype of primary liver cancer (PLC), characterised by the presence of both hepatocytic and biliary components. Its incidence ranges from 0.4% to 14.2% among PLCs, and its prognosis and treatment have been contentious due to its rarity and histologic heterogeneity....Read more

ICU Management

2024 21 May

  Emergency medicine is a field of healthcare that treats illnesses or injuries requiring immediate medical attention, including disaster medicine, critical care medicine or emergency medical services, among many other specialisations. Within this context, technology has exerted a substantial influence alongside forward-thinking practices that radically...Read more

Decision Support

2024 06 Feb

  The utilisation of medical imaging has witnessed a remarkable surge in the past decade, accompanied by a concerning rise in inappropriate referrals for imaging procedures. In a bid to address this pressing issue, a recent study published in Insights into Imaging explores the efficacy of implementing a Point-of-Care Clinical Decision Support...Read more

ICU Management

2024 23 Jan

Existing clinical decision support systems (CDSSs) designed to prevent drug-drug interaction (DDI) often generate low-yield alerts, leading to alert fatigue among physicians and jeopardising patient safety.  A recent study focuses on the impact of tailoring DDI alerts to the ICU setting to reduce the frequency of high-risk drug combinations. The...Read more

Decision Support

2024 16 Jan

A study conducted by Schranz et al. examines how integrating a Point-of-Care Clinical Decision Support Tool (POC CDST) into the workflow of head and neck cancer specialists alters referral behaviour for radiological tests. The findings, published in "Insights into Imaging," reveal significant improvements in imaging efficiency and patient safety. ...Read more

IT Management

2024 05 Jan

A new app-based service is set to go from strength to strength as it transitions to a national programme in support of the NHS and social care workforce, says InnoScot Health   The Right Decision Service (RDS) – a first-for-Scotland project delivering a unique suite of UK Conformity Assessed (UKCA) marked decision support tools – was first developed...Read more

Decision Support

2024 05 Jan

A new app-based service is set to go from strength to strength as it transitions to a national programme in support of the NHS and social care workforce, says InnoScot Health   The Right Decision Service (RDS) – a first-for-Scotland project delivering a unique suite of UK Conformity Assessed (UKCA) marked decision support tools – was first developed...Read more

ICU Management

2023 13 Oct

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Decision Support

2023 24 Aug

Integrating and analyzing data over time and across various data sources, CardioVisio for Atrial Fibrillation helps visualize the history of the patient’s heart and provides guideline-directed insights to healthcare providers.   GE HealthCare announces the launch of CardioVisio for Atrial Fibrillation (AFib), a digital tool designed to assist...Read more

Decision Support

2023 13 Jul

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Decision Support

2023 17 May

From wearable devices to artificial intelligence, the health care world has seen a boom in new digital health technologies. But while these new robotic medical assistants are exciting, they are only relevant if their benefits can be backed by scientific evidence.   One promising new technology is an electronic alert system that could benefit...Read more

Decision Support

2022 13 Jul

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Decision Support

2022 24 Jun

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Decision Support

2022 02 Jun

Ingolf Karst, MD, PhD, MA 1 ; Nadine Gottschalk, MD 2 ; Ellen B. Mendelson, MD, FACR 2 ; Erin I. Neuschler, MD 3 1 Breast Imaging, Northwestern Medicine, Chicago, IL, USA 2 Department of Radiology, Northwestern University, Feinberg School of Medicine, Chicago, IL, USA 3 Department of Radiology, University of Illinois at Chicago, College of...Read more

Cardiology Management

2022 01 Feb is always open to submissions on important topics related to management and leadership in healthcare, cardiology, radiology, hospital management, critical care, Health IT, women's health and clinical decision support. Submit your proposals today.  Healthcare Digitalisation Pathways  - Best practices, future of digitalisation,...Read more

Decision Support

2021 29 Dec

According to a recent study published in the International Journal of Medical Informatics , poor usability continues to plague clinical decision support (CDS) despite its potential to improve patient safety. Although human factors engineering (HFE) approaches are recommended, few studies have investigated the impact of applying HFE methods and principles...Read more

Decision Support

2021 22 Dec

A panel of experts at RSNA 2021 discussed best practices in rolling-out clinical decision support mechanism (CDSM) solutions in preparation for the enforcement of the U.S. Protecting Access to Medicare Act (PAMA). PAMA was implemented as an alternative to global pre-authorisation to combat rising healthcare costs. These regulations apply in the emergency department...Read more

Decision Support

2021 06 Dec

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Decision Support

2021 19 Nov

From 28th November until 1st December unlock the access to dozens of free curated sessions by Siemens Healthineers. Nov 28, 18:30 GMT+2 Unveiling of the world’s first photon-counting CT A quantum leap in clinical decision making. Learn more about how it works, the answers it provides and how it changes clinical decision making....Read more

IT Management

2021 09 Nov

U.S. national prevention guidelines fail to account for comorbid conditions and patient preferences like lifestyle, cost, convenience, and side effects. Applying guidelines can be a challenge for physicians who have limited clinical time to prioritise recommendations and for patients. This can lead to poorly understanding health guidelines and exacerbates...Read more

Executive Health Management

2021 08 Oct

Executive Summary  Cancer care is becoming increasingly complex and personalized. More and more patient characteristics and disease specific data – clinical history, comorbidities, imaging, laboratory data, genomics/ proteomics, lifestyle factors, pathology results – have to be factored in when deciding on diagnostic measures and care pathways....Read more

Executive Health Management

2021 03 Aug

Executive Summary  Value Partnerships™ are the enduring relationships that Siemens Healthineers forges with customers in order to optimize operations, expand capabilities, and advance innovation within healthcare enterprises. One of the areas where optimization can transform care delivery and improve patient experience is in the holistic management...Read more

Executive Health Management

2021 03 Aug

The human-centered approach to healthcare facility planning and design. Executive Summary Transforming care delivery through facility design and planning Healthcare environments continue to evolve, with new pressures from patients, staff, and payers driving care providers to be more people-centered and value-driven. Meeting the challenges...Read more


2021 03 Aug

The human-centered approach to healthcare facility planning and design. Executive Summary Transforming care delivery through facility design and planning Healthcare environments continue to evolve, with new pressures from patients, staff, and payers driving care providers to be more people-centered and value-driven. Meeting the challenges...Read more

Executive Health Management

2021 01 Jun

An overview of a decision support platform that offers holistic decision support along the continuum of care, bringing together a wide variety of healthcare data from diverse IT systems with a vendor-neutral design and user-friendly solutions. Key Points As healthcare processes become more digital, there has been tremendous growth in health...Read more

ICU Management

2016 14 Jun

Computerised Order Entry (CPOE) Systems can improve the quality and safety of medication prescribing and reduce costs, according to Jozef Kesecioglu , Professor of Intensive Care Medicine at the Department of Intensive Care Medicine, University Medical Center, Utrecht, the Netherlands, speaking at Euroanaesthesia 2016 in London in May. Slow Adoption...Read more

ICU Management

2016 11 Mar

Intensivists today are faced with a growing deluge of quantitative data, along with demands to implement evidence-based protocols of increasing number and complexity. The tools to support such implementation, including computerised decision support, have, however, seen only incremental development over the past decades. This article will attempt to...Read more

ICU Management

2016 11 Mar

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