Warming hospital baby bassinet / transparent THERMOCARE K Weyer

Warming hospital baby bassinet / transparent THERMOCARE K Weyer

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It is most important for all new born and pre-term infants to have a warm and cosy environment and as much contact with their parents as possible. The neontal warming bed Thermocare K has been specifically designed for these conditions, allowing full access for the necessary diagnostic, therapeutic and nursing procedures to be carried out. The warming bed with under-pad heating device is used for the thermal support as well as for the application of oxygen and for warming during phototherapy. Oxygen therapy is possible by supplying oxygen into the interior at a concentration of 40 % or via oxygen head box.
a:1:{i:0;a:2:{s:4:"name";s:22:"Other characteristics:";s:3:"val";s:20:"warming, transparent";}}
Herrenhöhe 4,
51515 Kürten
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