Tracheostomy cannula 25 - 30 cm | VersaTube™ COOK Medical

Tracheostomy cannula 25 - 30 cm | VersaTube™ COOK Medical
25 - 30 cm | VersaTube™

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The device from Cook Medical company, is used for providing an artificial airway to set up airway patency and offer maintenance of the airway. The longer length feature of this medical equipment permits it to be used in a broad range of patient size, ranging from the average to larger necks. The cuff, the flange and the tube are crafted from soft PVC material that help to reduce the anterior and posterior tracheal wall trauma. The tapered distal tip facilitates an effortless transition from the loading obturator to the tracheotomy tube outer diameter, causing a reduced insertion force. There is a 15 mm connector, placed on the tracheotomy tube which makes the use of inner cannula non compulsory for the delivery of oxygen during the ventilation.
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1425 Innovation Pl,
West Lafayette
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