Esophageal stent 10 F | Evolution® series COOK Medical

Esophageal stent 10 F | Evolution® series COOK Medical
10 F | Evolution® series

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The silicone encasted stents are widely used to maintain patency of malignant esophageal strictures and/or to seal tracheoesophageal fistulas. The complete stent comprises of silicone coating which minimizes the the tumor ingrowth risk and food impaction and also enhances the treatment process of malignant esophageal TE fistulas. On an immediate placement, the dual lasso loops allows proximal and distal stent re-positioning and minimize the stent migration risk. For precise placement the stent's proportional length can be deployed or recaptured with each trigger squeeze. The disposable stent is supplied sterile for single use.
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1425 Innovation Pl,
West Lafayette
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