Renal stent / stainless steel 12 - 20 mm | Formula 418® series COOK Medical

Renal stent / stainless steel 12 - 20 mm | Formula 418® series COOK Medical
12 - 20 mm | Formula 418® series

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The stent is developed for the patients suffering from atherosclerotic disease of the renal arteries which follows suboptimal percutaneous transluminal renal angioplasty (PTRA) of a de novo or restenotic lesion (? 18 mm in length) placed within 10 mm of the renal ostium and with a reference vessel diameter of 4.0-7.0 mm. The definition of Suboptimal PTRA encompasses ? 50% residual stenosis, ? 20 mm Hg systolic or ? 10 mm Hg mean translesional pressure gradient or flow-limiting dissection. It does not offer stent shortening. It provides high class stent conformability with minimal balloon overhang. The stent is configured as a slotted tube composed of 316L stainless steel. For 4-6 mm diameter stents, 5.0 Fr sheath/6.0 Fr guiding catheter is recommended and for 7 mm diameter stents, 6.0 Fr sheath/7.0 Fr guiding catheter is recommended. It allows .018 inch diameter wire guide with Over-the-wire delivery system. The sterilized device comes with a germ free sealed package and is used for single use only.
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1425 Innovation Pl,
West Lafayette
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