Surgical laser / CO2 / on trolley eCO2™ Lutronic

Surgical laser / CO2 / on trolley eCO2™ Lutronic

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"The technology behind eCO2 fills a niche we've been trying to fill for years, in that patients experience dramatically better results and more rapid post-treatment healing than with the old ablative techniques." - Mark G. Rubin, M.D. Assistant Clinical Professor of Dermatology, University of California San Diego, San Diego, Calif. With the rising demand for CO2 resurfacing procedures, the eCO2 provides the powerful platform you need to deliver dependable results. • Customized Procedures – Multiple treatment modes, advanced capabilities and intuitive functionality allow clinicians to tailor procedures • Patient Satisfaction – Short comfortable treatments deliver the consistent results, rapid recovery and minimal downtime that patients want • Reliable Performance – Robust design, in-office clinical support and a stellar service record • Revenue Generation – High demand procedures, no consumables and a rock-solid platform that maximizes revenue potential
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