Dermatological laser / solid-state / on trolley MOSAIC™ Lutronic

Dermatological laser / solid-state / on trolley MOSAIC™ Lutronic

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"Extremely versatile and with a degree of comfort not achieved with other systems, the MOSAIC laser is probably the most proficient non-ablative laser system in the world market, giving clinicians capabilities that no other device provides." - J. David Holcomb, M.D., Immediate Past President, Florida Society of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Sarasota, Fla. The MOSAIC Micro Fractional Er:Glass Laser from Lutronic incorporates the leading non-ablative fractional technology. The MOSAIC mid-infrared laser enables precise control of treatment parameters, minimizes potential side effects and improves clinical outcomes. • Customized Procedures – Multiple treatment modes, treatment speeds and intuitive functionality allow clinicians to tailor procedures to meet patients. needs. The option to both stamp and to scan the laser beams allows for homogeneous treatment areas and feathering. • Patented Controlled Chaos Technology (CCT) – Rather than delivering energy in linear rows, which may increase patient discomfort and the risk of post inflammatory hyperpigmentation in darker skin types, the system creates microscopic randomized columns with maximized spacing between spots. • Patient Satisfaction – Short treatments deliver the clinical outcomes that patients are looking for in a non ablative treatment. • Reliable Performance – Robust design, in-office clinical support and a stellar service record. • Revenue Generation – High demand procedures and negligible consumable costs produce higher ROI and quick profitability.
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