Dermatological laser / Er:YAG / on trolley ACTION II™ Lutronic

Dermatological laser / Er:YAG / on trolley ACTION II™ Lutronic

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4 in 1 Innovation of Er:YAG Aesthetic Laser ACTION II indications include wrinkles, acne scars, large pores, skin tone, texture improvement and the removal of benign epidermal lesions, with additional possibilities as new treatment techniques are explored. The latest ACTION II features the conventional micro-pulse mode for micro laser resurfacing and the long pulse mode for coagulation. The maximum 1000 ms pulse width in the long pulse mode is expanding new applications. Specialized fractional technology and the Shining Peel technique supply more gentle fractional rejuvenation and deliver a real glow to the skin. ACTION II is equipped with Lutronic's proprietary Controlled Depth Ablation (CDA) technology and Top-Hat beam profile allowing precision control of ablation depth layer-by-layer with minimal collateral heat diffusion. This function maintains a consistent fluence for uniform results. This versatile laser system is good for both conventional micro laser resurfacing and deep resurfacing combined with the long pulse coagulation procedure. Properly controlled residual heating minimizes added discomfort, making procedures with ACTION II virtually painless.
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