Stress test electrocardiograph / digital PADSY-Ergo Medset Medizintechnik

Stress test electrocardiograph / digital PADSY-Ergo Medset Medizintechnik

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PADSY-Ergo controls the workload your patients are subjected to - so you and your staff remain relaxed and in control. During the development of the PADSY-Ergo, the overriding priority was to achive utmost patient safety. The result is impressive and features a user interface with intuitive operation, meaning that even untrained personnel can use it safely and correctly. For a reliable diagnosis, the entire 12-channel ECG, including pacemaker spikes, is recorded with maximum signal quality throughout the stress test. Thanks to the use of cutting-edge amplification technology and newly developed anti-drift algorithms, the ECG can even be assessed reliably during stress test examinations on treadmills - this is achieved by a stable base line.
Curslacker Neuer Deich 66,
21029 Hamburg
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