Electrocardiography software / medical PADSY-ECG Medset Medizintechnik

Electrocardiography software / medical PADSY-ECG Medset Medizintechnik

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12-Channel ECG Analysis: Simply Accurate Efficient automatic measurement is the key to a fast and valid diagnosis. PADSY-ECG uses Biosigna's HES measurement algorithms which have undergone continuous redesign and optimization over the past 40 years. All measured values are clearly displayed together with the representative cycles. If, however, you wish to record an ECG manually, a two-dimensional calliper is available for this purpose. Make your work easier with HES interpretation for ECG diagnosis. Providing you with a suggested diagnosis of possible pathological symptoms, this tool supports you in compiling your diagnosis.
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Curslacker Neuer Deich 66,
21029 Hamburg
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