Cardio-respiratory stress test equipment PADSY Ergospiro Medset Medizintechnik

Cardio-respiratory stress test equipment PADSY Ergospiro Medset Medizintechnik
PADSY Ergospiro

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PADSY-Ergospiro combines expertise in 12 channel ECG stress testing with expertise in pulmonary function testing. An innovative and efficient 12-channel stress ECG system, PADSY-Ergo is connected to the ergo spirometry system via an intelligent link, thus allowing highly precise cardiovascular analyses. The stress ECG and stress spirometry are recorded synchronously, identifying cardiac, pulmonary and vascular function in just a single measurement. Patient data, heart rate and stress testing data are transferred by PADSY-Ergo to the respective ergo spirometry system. This multifunctional measurement station expands the possibilities of cardiovascular diagnostics, thus providing key information for patient-appropriate diagnosis and therapy. PADSY-Ergospiro is compatible with the most important ergo spirometry systems and, thanks to its flexibility, is the perfect solution for existing and future ergo spirometry systems.
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Curslacker Neuer Deich 66,
21029 Hamburg
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