Patient data management system / ECG Medset Medizintechnik

Patient data management system / ECG Medset Medizintechnik
Medset Medizintechnik

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The Healthy Heart Data Management System A reliable diagnosis is essential if your patients are to receive the best possible cardiac care. To be able to assess their health status correctly and efficiently, quick access to all examination results is vital. The PADSY ECG Management System ensures that all of your functional diagnostic data are collated, analysed and assessed by a single system. You will have access to all medical data on any computer throughout the hospital network, and at any time. PADSY not only manages PC ECG and blood pressure data, but also combines this data with the results of all other important medical examination systems in your department. Essential administrative tasks are minimized, giving you more time to devote to your patients.
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Curslacker Neuer Deich 66,
21029 Hamburg
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