Management software / control / sample tracking / laboratory ASM Manager Hamilton Storage Technologies

Management software / control / sample tracking / laboratory ASM Manager Hamilton Storage Technologies
ASM Manager

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Hamilton Storage Technologies offers a superior software package that meets user needs for full system control, sample tracking, and simple integration to third-party platforms. The software distributes intelligence throughout the system's modules, maintaining data integrity, optimizing throughput, and managing growth of the sample library. Developer level access ensures that your present and future requirements will be accommodated. The ASM Manager is simple to use. The Windows Explorer-style browser offers an easy-to-use interface with simple icons. The set up and configuration is straightforward, allowing the user to easily set up clusters, pick lists, projects, and utilities. Easy step commands allow for full system control, which provides simple integration in a few hours. Additionally, the user has the ability to inform the system of manual changes and view the entire library in one location. Our software puts the power of our solutions in the customer's hands.
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