Mammography test phantom / breast Fluke Biomedical

Mammography test phantom / breast Fluke Biomedical
Fluke Biomedical

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Proven simulation technology enables the use of tissue-equivalent, realistically-shaped phantoms for mammographic quality control. This breast phantom contains targets that are engineered to test the threshold of the new generation of mammography machines. Applications The phantom is 4.5 cm thick, simulates a 50% glandular tissue composition and is designed to test the performance of a mammographic system by a quantitative evaluation of the system’s ability to image small structures similar to those found clinically. The phantom is designed to determine if your system can detect small structures that are important in early detection of breast cancer. Test objects within the phantom range in size from those that should be visible on any system to objects that will be difficult to see in the best mammographic systems. Breast phantom to test new generation of mammography machines A refined quality control for today’s advanced imaging systems Objects within the phantom simulate calcifications, fibrous calcifications in ducts, and tumor masses
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6045 Cochran Rd,
Cleveland, OH
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