Dosimeter dosimetry instrument / X-ray Fluke Biomedical

Dosimeter dosimetry instrument / X-ray Fluke Biomedical
Fluke Biomedical

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Direct-Reading Pocket Dosimeters are rugged, precision instruments designed specifically for measuring accumulated quantities of gamma and x radiation. In use, the dosimeter is normally clipped to a pocket or to the outside of a lead apron. By checking the dosimeter reading periodically, the wearer is able to determine the exposure received during specific procedures. By knowing where and when greater than- normal exposures occur, the wearer can identify the source and take quick, corrective action. We currently offer five dosimeters. Each dosimeter has a color-coded clip that signifies its range. This will help the user to identify the dosimeter (i.e. black clip = 0 to 200 mR, blue clip = 0 to 5 R, etc.), and ensure that the intended dosimeter is utilized.
a:2:{i:0;a:2:{s:4:"name";s:27:"Type of ionizing radiation:";s:3:"val";s:5:"X-ray";}i:1;a:2:{s:4:"name";s:16:"Instrument type:";s:3:"val";s:9:"dosimeter";}}
6045 Cochran Rd,
Cleveland, OH
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