Laboratory water purifier / reverse osmosis Pura Plus TECNO-GAZ

Laboratory water purifier / reverse osmosis Pura Plus TECNO-GAZ
Pura Plus

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The Pura Plus osmosis system is a compact device made to connect directly to the autoclave. This guarantees a constant supply of pure water. The system can be installed in multiple ways to facilitate mounting and the optimum organization of the available space. It is fitted with a series of osmotic membranes and filters that have an average duration of 600 to 800 liters, dependent on the hardness or softness of your water. The system is not pressurized when it is not in use. The Pura Plus osmosis system's cartridge will need to be replaced each year, or after about 600 to 700 cycles. Changing the filter is an easy task that can be done by the system's user. The filters can be purchased at an affordable price.
  • Purification technique:reverse osmosis
  • Medical establishment:laboratory
Sala Baganza (PR)
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