High-definition display / LCD / 3D / surgical 24" | LMD-2451MT Sony

High-definition display / LCD / 3D / surgical 24" | LMD-2451MT Sony
24" | LMD-2451MT

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A high definition monitor is the LMD2451MT which displays graphics in clear and crisp 3D. Developed by SONY for medical purposes, this monitor is capable of capturing and displaying sharp images required for intricate surgeries including endoscopy and other micro surgeries.The 3D images displayed on a 24" LCD display panel helps the surgeon understand the problem better and increases the ease of surgery.The polarized glasses designed for the surgeons are light, comfortable and provide sharp uninterrupted multi-angle view of the images.Moreover, the CHROMATRU technology provides an optimum view of the surgical procedure which is critical for the team during a surgery.Weighing an approx 8.7 kg, the monitor is easily transported to the required place as and when the need arises.It also supports around 16.7 million colours thus accounting for a true picture which helps a surgeon differentiate between the bad and good tissues.With a maximum power consumption of 136 W, low maintenance costs, this display is the equipment that should be present in each operation room.
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The Heights, Brooklands,
KT13 0XW Weybridge, Surrey

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