Dye sublimation printer / for paper UP-25MD Sony

Dye sublimation printer / for paper UP-25MD Sony

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A superior quality printer made for medical applications, UP-25MD offers standard and HD video signals. It is also compatible with a variety of imaging devices used for medicinal purposes. Offering prints that are durable and resilient, the printer ensures photo-quality prints with the help of sublimation technology. It is also compatible with UPC-24SA/LA that laminates automatically, and the conventional series of UPC-21S/L. It offers protection with sealed prints to avoid damage from the environment. In order to be on par with the output of the monitor and maintain accurate color reduction, the colors in the printer are adjustable with the help of HSV or RGB colors.
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The Heights, Brooklands,
KT13 0XW Weybridge, Surrey

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