CPR training manikin / veterinary / dog CasPeR Simulaids

CPR training manikin / veterinary / dog CasPeR Simulaids

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CasPeR The CPR Dog This small animal trainer comprises of all the required features for teaching basic dog CPR to pet owners. It serves both veterinarian and lay persons in the instruction of CPR. The anatomy characterizes a full body shaped in a most suitable position in which to give CPR. It also has nares, retractable tongue, moveable jaw, sanitary replaceable airway, foam-filled body for chest compression resistance, and a femoral pulse. After getting wonderful results of their human CPR manikins, Simulaids designed this manikin to give long life, not only to the manikin, but also to the owners pets. Veterinarian review during the development of this unit guarantees that the care taker are learning exactly the right procedures for their cherished pets.
  • Patient type:dog, veterinary
  • Procedure:CPR
16 Simulaids Dr,
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