CD4 cytometer / flow / portable / bench-top CyFlow® miniPOC Sysmex Partec GmbH

CD4 cytometer / flow / portable / bench-top CyFlow® miniPOC Sysmex Partec GmbH
CyFlow® miniPOC

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Point-of-Care CD4+ and CD4% Counter The absolute number of CD4+ T-lymphocytes and the CD4% among lymphocytes are the most widely used parameters for the immune status monitoring of HIV-infected adults and children and AIDS patients undergoing antiretroviral therapy. CD4 and CD4% testing is commonly organized in larger centralized laboratories, resulting in a limited availability of this life-saving diagnostic procedure for patients living in remote areas without the ability to travel to laboratories in larger cities. The CyFlow® miniPOC technology, together with the revolutionary Partec dry CD4/CD4% tests that eliminate any need for cold chain and cold storage, allows the user to perform this immune status analysis without a large laboratory infrastructure and specially trained staff. This stand-alone instrument, with a weight of less than 5 kg, can easily be moved close to the patients. The CyFlow® miniPOC runs on regular 110 or 240v power supplies, a rechargeable battery pack, or optional solar panels. It is, therefore, ideally suited as a true point-of-care (POC) solution for primary health centers and PMTCT sites in all settings. The CyFlow® miniPOC can be used successfully for both high throughput analysis labs that process up to 250 CD4 tests per day, as well as for small health centers in rural areas that want to measure only a few blood samples. Employing state-of-the-art laser modules, optics, fluidics, and electronics, the total biological range of CD4 absolute counts and CD4% is covered with unmatched precision, accuracy, and reproducibility.
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