Autotransfusion system CBC II Stryker

Autotransfusion system CBC II Stryker

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Blood reinfusion is made safe, simple and economic using the Stryker CBCII Blood Conservation System. The reinfusion is carried out through a closed system and hence safe and simple to use. To transfer the liquid the lever needs to be depressed and the blood bag should be hung and spiked. This is a vital part of the blood conservation program. Only one disposable needs to be used per patient and it easily converts from reinfusion device to drainage reservoir. This proves economic. It is a versatile device. It is adaptable to the hospital protocol. It has a variable vacuum setting. It has an internal prefilter. It has a fat retention valve. It has a vacuum indicator. The volumetric graduations are accurate.
Dr.-Homer-Stryker-Platz 1,
47228 Duisburg
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