Artificial ventilation mask / CPAP / nasal / silicone DeZire™ Lite GaleMed Corporation

Artificial ventilation mask / CPAP / nasal / silicone DeZire™ Lite GaleMed Corporation
DeZire™ Lite

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The noise and turbine of the product is minimized by vent port. Directs gas away from bed partner and user by ergonomically designed angle. The pressure monitoring, CO2 sampling and supplemental gases is provided by multifunctional port. The device has swivel elbow of 15mm including light weighted tubing. The angle and displacement of forehead support is adjustable. Stability is improved during sleep by three types of pads for forehead. For better stability, comfort and seal silicone cushion of soft dual-layer is provided. Better flexibility is offered by quick release clip.
a:2:{i:0;a:2:{s:4:"name";s:9:"Material:";s:3:"val";s:8:"silicone";}i:1;a:2:{s:4:"name";s:13:"Applications:";s:3:"val";s:28:"artificial ventilation, CPAP";}}
87 Li-Gong 2nd Road,
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