Cardiopulmonary resuscitation medical kit Superior GaleMed Corporation

Cardiopulmonary resuscitation medical kit Superior GaleMed Corporation

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For the reduction of hand fatigue, the Ergonomic MR-100™ Plus Manual Resuscitator has a quick rebound rate. Quick assembly and increased effectiveness for emergency produces are a result of the all-inclusive valve style featured in this device. This device features a resuscitator bag, a sturdy silicone mask and reservoir bag for multiple reprocessing. Skin is protected, even during contact, by the inclusion of irritation free materials. 3 masks, an airway kit and a resuscitator set are included in this grouping. A portable and lightweight storage or carrying case also comes with this particular set.
  • Application:cardiopulmonary resuscitation
87 Li-Gong 2nd Road,
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