Anti-decubitus mattress / for hospital beds / dynamic air / tube NoDec P Rober

Anti-decubitus mattress / for hospital beds / dynamic air / tube NoDec P Rober
NoDec P

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The “zero pressure solution” with new functions and technology! For the prevention of decubitus ulcers in high-risk patients and for the effective treatment of all stages of existing pressure sores With all the advantages of regularly recurring complete relief of pressure (Seller’s 1st principle of treatment) Reactive hyperaemia to support the healing process Comfort settings: firm – medium – soft Three therapies – one solution User convenience The latest technologies, with a display function, ensure convenient and safe use. At the touch of a button, the operating mode can be changed from dynamic to static, in each case with individual comfort settings of firm, medium or soft. Maximum fill for nursing care. Automatic mattress emptying. Transport mode Mattress structure The special mattress structure with two interior longitudinal cells ensures the lateral stability of the patient. Over a 15minute cycle, three air cells lying next to one another in each case are filled with air, synchronously with the three air cells lying underneath them, and emptied again. This changes the body’s pressure-bearing points. On the emptied cells (shown in white on the diagram) there is zero bearing pressure, which reaches the next cell every 5 minutes. Stability Two interior longitudinal cells ensure the patient’s lateral stability. The dual-layer mattress system with its threechamber cycle ensures that even with the heaviest patients weighing up to 250kg, it is not possible to push through by sitting or lying on it.
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Wheatbridge Road,
S40 2AB
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