Ablation catheter / cardiac / with temperature sensor Blazer Prime™ Boston Scientific

Ablation catheter / cardiac / with temperature sensor Blazer Prime™ Boston Scientific
Blazer Prime™

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When combined with an intuitive construction, the Blazer Catheter platform provides a nicely-designed ablation catheter that can be used as a physical extension of the hand. The handle can be adjusted in order to provide more predictability with the tip movement. Electrophysiologists will feel confidence with precision control of the device. The features of the Blazer Catheter are designed to work together in order to prove accurate and predictable performance, over and over again. With Smooth Curve Formation technology, the placement of the catheter tip is accurate. The cam-based steering mechanism is patented. It allows for a continuous deflection, which helps to prevent abrupt jumps of the tip. The materials used in the production of this catheter give it a lot of durability.
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One Boston Scientific Pl,
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