Cardiac resynchronization lead ACUITY Break-Away™ Boston Scientific

Cardiac resynchronization lead ACUITY Break-Away™ Boston Scientific
ACUITY Break-Away™

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The ACUITY Break-Away system offers inner catheter lead delivery and an integrated breakable hub. The system is innovative and ideal front line lead delivery. The delivery technology makes it less difficult to access challenging anatomies. It’s the smallest inner catheter lead deliver available in today’s market. It also helps with the delivery of the 4F ACUITY Spiral Lead through the inner catheter (6F). As for the breakable hub, it helps simplify removable processes and to minimize disgorgement of lead. There is no need to cut the hub since its breakable design allows for it to directly expose the catheter shaft for removal. The Beak-Away system also features an integrated hermostasis valve and flush port.
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One Boston Scientific Pl,
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