Catheter guidewire / ureteral Amplatz Super Stiff™ Boston Scientific

Catheter guidewire / ureteral Amplatz Super Stiff™ Boston Scientific
Amplatz Super Stiff™

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This super stiff guidewire was designed to facilitate device placement through tortuous anatomy. The flat wire outer coil allows for larger inner core amd provides better shaft rigidity. The increased stiffness of the wire provides stability within the urinary tract without sacraficing tip flexibility. A special PTFE coating reduces friction along the wire. Ureteroscopic placement provides added support to aid advancement of dilatation catheters such as a ureteral access sheaths. Percutaneous placement of the Amplatz Super Stiff Guidewire down the ureter secures dilatation of the percutaneous tract. The atraumatic flexible tip comes available in a variety of profiles, including 3cm, 7cm Bentson and J-Tip. This product is latex-free.
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One Boston Scientific Pl,
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