• HITM Membership Application

    As the only pan-European association dedicated to healthcare IT management, HITM offers its members unique opportunities to: + Participate in advocacy groups that impact EU healthcare IT legislation. + Share your knowledge with and learn from the experiences of your peers. + Learn industry best practices and standards. + Attend...

  • Industry News

    The latest figures published 30 May 2006 compare biotechnology sectors across some 18 European nations and the US. The report finds that European and US biotechnology industries both have around 2000 companies, but the US sector employs nearly twice as many people, spends around three times as much on research and development, raises over twice as...

  • The European Parliament

    Author Sonja Planitzer Title: Editor European Affairs Organisation: Euromedical Communications Email: [email protected]   European institutions - This is the second part in a series which covers the structure and operations of the EU institutions. In the first of the series (Winter 2006), Helicia...

  • AWireless Telecardiological System

    Author Martin Braecklein Title: Head of Telecare Organisation: Corscience GmbH & Co. KG Email: [email protected] Website: www.corscience.de   Hea rt-related diseases and disorders are abundant in the western world. Around 500,000 cases of sudden cardiac death, over three...

  • An Infrastructure for the Interoperability of Medical Information Systems

    Author Asuman Dogac Title: Director Organisation: Software R&D Center, Department of Computer Engineering, Middle East Technical University Email: [email protected] Website: www.metu.edu.tr   The Interoperability Challenge Today’s eHealth information systems are proprietary and...

  • Achieving Long-Term Stability in Smart Card Programmes

    Author Kevin Gillick Title: Executive Director Organisation: GlobalPlatform Email: [email protected] Website: www.globalplatform.org   2006 will see the deployment of 85 million smart cards in the government and healthcare sectors, according to forecasts from the industry body, Eurosmart....

  • Designing a High-Performance Telemedicine System

    Authors A.V. Bogdanov Organisation: Institute for High Performance Computing and Information Systems, Russia Email: [email protected] Website: www.csa.ru   A.B. Degtyarev Organisation: Institute for High Performance Computing and Information Systems, Russia Email: [email protected]...

  • Facts & Figures: the Italian Healthcare System

    Healthcare System & Administration Italy has a national health plan (Servizio Sanitario Nazionale), which provides universal coverage for hospital and medical benefits, however about 30% of the population has contracted additional private health insurance. The Italian public healthcare system is decentralised and is based on three levels: the State,...

  • Bio-informatics Application Service Providers - Politecnico di Milano

    Authors Dr. Marco Masseroli, Ph.D. Organisation: Politecnico di Milano, Italy Email: [email protected] Web: www.biomed.polimi.it/BioIntro/english/people/research/Masseroli.htm   Francesco Pinciroli Organisation: Politecnico di Milano, Italy Email: [email protected]...

  • Eric Poiseau, ITManager, IHE Europe

    Author Eric Poiseau Title: It Manager Organisation: Integrating the Healthcare Enterprise (IHE) Europe Web:  https://ihe-europe.net/   Integrating the Healthcare Enterprise (IHE) Europe Please Tell Us a Little Bit About IHE Europe, How was it Started and What are Your ‘Hot Topics’ for 2006/07? IHE is a non-profit...

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