The IT and medical technology company Sectra (STO: SECTB) is set to acquire the Danish company it-mark. The acquired company, which sells medical IT services to healthcare providers, has been a distributor of Sectra’s since 2007. The acquisition will strengthen Sectra’s presence in Denmark.

it-mark primarily delivers services for managing medical images (PACS) via the Internet – so-called cloud solutions. Its customers are mainly located in Denmark, as well as other countries in the EU. The company is the largest supplier of online imaging services for private healthcare providers in Denmark. it-mark has 11 employees and its sales for 2014 amounted to DKK 13.4 million (corresponding to approximately SEK 16 million).

“Sectra’s core business encompasses medical IT systems for image management that contribute to more efficient healthcare. it-mark has delivered Sectra PACS as a cloud service and has extensive knowledge of the requirements imposed by Danish healthcare customers. The acquisition will strengthen our operations in Denmark significantly,” says Petter Østbye, head of Sectra’s sales companies for medical IT operations in Scandinavia.

The acquisition is in line with the Sectra Group’s strategy to expand in areas and regions where the company commands an established position, primarily through organic growth supplemented by minor acquisitions to further strengthen this organic growth. The operations will become part of Sectra’s Imaging IT Solutions business area, which develops and sells IT solutions and services that enable medical images to be managed efficiently and securely.

The acquisition will not have a material impact on Sectra’s sales or earnings. It will be financed through Sectra’s own funds. The transaction includes a cash consideration and an additional purchase consideration. Sectra will take over the company on 30 April 2015 and the operations will be consolidated into the Sectra Group as of May 2015.

For more information about it-mark, visit:

Source and image credit: Sectra AB

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Imaging, Sectra, IT solutions, medical technology, it-mark The IT and medical technology company Sectra (STO: SECTB) is set to acquire the Danish company it-mark. The acquired company, which sells medical IT servic...