• Putting Patients in the Driving Seat

    A Digital Future for Healthcare The European Commission has unveiled an action plan to address barriers to the full use of digital solutions in Europe's healthcare systems. The goal is to improve healthcare for the benefit of patients, give patients more control of their care and bring down costs. While patients and health professionals are enthusiastically...

  • Portable X-Ray Source Could Put Medical Diagnosis in the Palm of the Hand

    Photo credit: Peter Norgard, University of Missouri A University of Missouri (MU) engineering team has invented a compact source of X-rays and other forms of radiation. The radiation source, which is the size of a stick of chewing gum, could be used to create inexpensive and portable X-ray scanners for use by doctors, as well as...


    Management in Radiology (MIR) will once again present a half day symposium at Europe’s leading medical imaging conference, the European Congress of Radiology in Vienna in March. The MIR symposium on Saturday 9 March 2013 is vital for the radiologist interested in leadership and management.The 2013 symposium will cover innovation management,...

  • CIRSE 2013

    Abstract submissions for CIRSE 2013 close on 15 February 2013. CIRSE 2013 will be held September 14-18 in Barcelona, Spain. CIRSE 2013, Europe‘s most comprehensive forum for minimally invasive image guided therapy, will offer more than 250 hours of educational and scientific presentations, including hands-on workshops, foundation...

  • 2013 CARS Congress

    The Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery(CARS) congress is the yearly event for scientists, engineers and physicians to present and discuss the key innovations that shape modern medicine on a worldwide basis.   The 27th International Congress and Exhibition on Computer Assisted Radiology Congress Organizing Committee will...

  • EuroPACS at Upcoming Congresses

    Two refresher courses in Computer Applications will be offered at the European Congress of Radiology in Vienna in March 2013.   RC 305: New PACS architecture: decoupling image management from image navigation RC 1605: Improving workflow efficiency and quality   EuroPACS Annual Meeting Programme The 31st...

  • The Value of Radiology

    Dear readers,                                                                 &

  • Health Technology Appraisal and Radiology

    Radiologists have become experts in evidence-based medicine. Both they and their clinical colleagues who refer patients for diagnostic tests wish to do their best for patients: to provide them with the diagnostic test or tests perceived or proven to have a high sensitivity and specificity for a particular diagnosis, and to proceed with a treatment...

  • How to Maximise the Use of Ultrasound in the Radiology Department

    Demand for general ultrasound (US) examinations is increasing by approximately 7.9% per year (Society of Radiographers 2009). Combined with shrinking funds, inadequate resources and waiting list targets this puts a lot of pressure on the radiology departments.   To solve the challenging task of providing timely, quality examinations...

  • Trick or Treatment

    Access to powerful drugs for personalised medicine is hampered by EU legislation that is creating a radiopharmaceutical lottery, argues the EANM's Dr Clemens Decristoforo. Advances in drug developments and new insights into genetics and the diversity of diseases – in particular cancers – have generated a trend towards personalised...

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