• Getting Ahead by Getting Along

    Managing Challenging Conversations in the Radiology Department Many guides to effective leadership in radiology and other disciplines in medicine concentrate on structure. How  the department should be organised and how authority should be delegated are frequently addressed. Other advice dispensers rightly focus on the formation and...

  • First International Day of Radiology

    The first International Day of Radiology (IDOR) on 8 November 2012 included events and publicity around the world to highlight awareness of medical imaging and the role of radiologists.   The International Day of Radiology initiative was established to highlight the contribution of radiology to safe patient care as well as improving...

  • MIR Winter Course

    Seefeid in Austria is the venue for the MIR Winter Course, 10-12 January 2013. The course is an interactive and informative programme which aims to build a practical skill set. The course will be led by professional healthcare trainers from "Inspire Change". Each delegate will leave with new insights and practical solutions they can...

  • Successful Interventional Radiology Congress

    Lisbon, Portugal played host in September to the world’s largest and most comprehensive congress on interventional radiology (IR). The CIRSE Annual Congress and Postgraduate Course (CIRSE 2012) was attended by over 6,000 delegates from more than 80 countries – and its innovative and inspirational atmosphere...

  • ECIO Congress

    The fourth European Conference on Interventional Oncology takes place in Budapest, Hungary, 19-22 June 2013.   CIRSE is supporting attendance with the ECIO Incentive Programme. This allows radiologists with a full registration for ECIO 2013 in Budapest to invite their referring physician to the conference for free. The first...

  • 2013 CARS Congress

    The Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery (CARS) congress is the yearly event for scientists, engineers and physicians to present and discuss the key innovations that shape modern medicine on a worldwide basis.   The CARS Congress Organizing Committee invites you to come to Heidelberg from  26 - 29 June 2013, for an...


    COCIR has recently released three documents: A position paper articulating COCIR views on the General Data Protection Regulation; A detailed contribution providing more insight and concrete examples on healthcare; Suggestions for amendments to the draft Regulation being currently discussed at European Parliament and European...

  • Review of MIR Annual Scientific Meeting Milan, Italy (Oct. 11 – 12, 2012)

    Milan in Italy was the venue for the 15th Management in Radiology Annual Scientific Meeting. 134 delegates came from more than 15 different countries across the globe, welcomed by Prof. Peter Mildenberger, Chairman of the MIR Subcommittee of the European Society of Radiology and Prof. Lorenzo Derchi, Chairman of the MIR Meeting 2012....

  • IHE

    Turkey hosts the European 2013 Connectathon, 15 – 19 April 2013. It is appropriate that the connectivity marathon is to be held in the city of Istanbul which connects Europe and Asia. The IHE Connectathon is a five day event whose main purpose is testing the interoperability and connectivity of healthcare IT systems. This traditional event...

  • EFSUMB Recommendations on Contrast Enhanced Ultrasound (CEUS) Non-Hepatic Applications

    Contrast-enhanced ultrasound (CEUS) is a revolutionary technique that greatly improves the diagnostic capabilities of conventional ultrasound. Due to its wide availability in Europe and its relatively low cost there has been exponentially increasing interest in the clinical applications of CEUS.   The first studies on the clinical use were...

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