• The Job Market for Radiologists in Canada

    Author Prof. David Koff Chair, Department of Radiology McMaster University Chief of Diagnostic Imaging Hamilton Health Sciences Hamilton, Canada Editorial Board Member IMAGING Management There are 2100 radiologists in Canada. Approximately 90 residents graduate each year in Canada. The number of Canadian Resident Matching...

  • IMAGING Management’s Guide to the European Congress of Radiology (ECR) Highlights

      IMAGING Management asked European Society of Radiology President, Professor Gabriel Krestin and Congress President Professor José Ignacio Bilbao for their perspectives as the society prepares for this major event.   What has been your involvement with ECR? I have been a regular attendee of ECR since its development in the...

  • Seminar in Tehran

      Image credit: Dr. Mansoor Fatehi The first Iranian seminar on Management in Radiology was held in Tehran on 2-3 February 2013. The meeting was aimed at providing update training on the hot topics in radiology management. The major themes of the meeting were safety and protection, quality management, strategic management and imaging economics....

  • Job Prospects for Radiologists in the United States

    The golden age of radiology in the United States has drawn to a close. Perhaps after a period of adjustment, a new resplendent silver age might occur but for the present and medium term the prospects are guarded. Why the gloomy assessment? In order to offer an incisive analysis we need to understand the peculiarities of radiology in the United States...

  • InMedica Predictions for the Medical Electronics Industry

    Wireless to Become Integral to X-ray Technology InMedica predicts that wireless flat panel detector (FPD) general radiography X-ray equipment will make up over 30 percent of unit shipments in 2013. The global general radiography X-ray equipment market has seen a shift towards wireless FPD technology, in particular in mobile X-ray. The ability...

  • MIR Future Events

    MIR will once again present a half day symposium at ECR. Save the Dates Please note the changed location. MIR Annual Scientific Meeting October 10-11, 2013 Barcelona, Spain Junior Course on Management October 9, 2013 Barcelona, Spain More information and registration details are on the MIR website: www.mir-online.org

  • CARS 2013 Invites you to Heidelberg

    The Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery (CARS) congress is the yearly event for scientists, engineers and physicians to present and discuss the key innovations that shape modern medicine on a worldwide basis. The 27th International Congress and Exhibition on Computer Assisted Radiology Congress Organizing Committee will be held in Heidelberg,...

  • COCIR – Regulation and Policy Updates from Brussels

    The European Commission’s proposal for a new Medical Device Regulation is now going through the European Parliament and EU member states for consideration. In January, COCIR – the trade association representing the European Medical Imaging, Electromedical and Healthcare ICT Industry - published its High-Level Contribution on Medical Device Regulation...

  • IHE-Europe Connects More Nations, More Systems

    The arrival of the European Connectathon in Istanbul April 15 marks a significant milestone for Integrating the Healthcare Enterprise (IHE). The critical mass powerfully demonstrates the scope and reach of the IHE movement towards interoperability in healthcare. Launched 13 years ago in Europe with the first 'connectivity marathon' in France,...

  • Management in Radiology Seminar in Tehran

      Image credit: Dr. Mansoor Fatehi The first Iranian seminar on Management in Radiology was held in Tehran on 2-3 February 2013. The meeting was aimed at providing update training on the hot topics in radiology management. The major themes of the meeting were safety and protection, quality management, strategic management and imaging economics....

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