• By Editor-in-Chief Prof. Iain McCall

    Dear Readers, This edition explores the theme of access to imaging in different health systems across the globe. Many issues, including geography, availability of technology, staffing levels, referral patterns, financial support and the clinical effectiveness of the procedures, affect access to medical imaging, and healthcare in general....

  • EU News

    European Partnership for Action Against Cancer The European Commission is launching a European Partnership for Action Against Cancer, planned for 2009 - 2013 to support Member States and other stakeholders in their efforts to tackle cancer more efficiently by providing a framework for identifying and sharing information, capacity and expertise...

  • Research Update

    HYPERImage Project Advances Research on Hybrid PET/MR Scanner Philips, one of eight partners in the European Union-funded HYPERImage research project, has announced that the project has achieved a major milestone in its plan to create hybrid PET/MR imaging. This new technique is based on the simultaneous acquisition of time-offlight PET and...

  • The Development and Impact of Referral Guidelines:

    Current Status in the United Kingdom and North America Author Dr. Denis Remedios Radiologist Northwick Park Hospital Harrow, UK [email protected]   Referral guidelines for diagnostic and interventional radiology have been in existence for 20 years and have been published in the United Kingdom (the...

  • The Impact of Innovation on Patient Access:How Rising Costs Affect Availability of Imaging

    Author Prof. Mathias Goyen Chief Executive Officer (CEO) UKE Consult and Management Hamburg, Germany [email protected]   Health policymakers have focused on cost containment, for the past several decades, to deal with the rapid rise in healthcare costs in the western world. All kinds of measures...

  • PET/CT System

    ECRI Institute, a non-profit organisation, dedicates itself to bring ing the discipline of applied scientific research in healthcare to uncover the best approaches to improving patient care. As pioneers in this science for nearly 40 years, ECRI Institute marries experience and independence with the objectivity of evidence-based research.  ...

  • Calculating Your Costs: An Alternative Method of Economic Evaluation

    Author Dr. Hema Mistry Research Fellow in Health Economics Health Economics Research Group Brunel University Uxbridge Middlesex, UK [email protected]   Clinical trials measure healthcare outcomes to determine the efficacy of healthcare interventions. Economic evaluations...

  • Highlights in Medical Imaging in Finland: The Chairman’s Perspective

    Author Prof. Seppo Soimakallio Head of Department Department of Radiology Pirkanmaa Hospital District Tampere University Hospital Tampere, Finland [email protected] How is Medical Imaging Organised in Finland? Finland is divided into 20 hospital districts, each containing either...

  • Health Services in Finland: An Overview of Key Issues

    Finnish healthcare is divided into the public and private sectors. The public sector is significantly larger than the private sector in Finland. The private sector consists of small health centres and some specialised hospitals (e.g. for heart surgery, orthopaedics, ophthalmology, etc.) mainly concentrated in cities. Citizens can choose freely between...

  • Interview with Prof. Hedvig Hricak

    Interviewee Prof. Hedvig Hricak Chairman Department of Radiology Carroll and Milton Chair in Radiology Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Centre Also, Professor of Radiology Weill Cornell College of Medicine New York, U.S. [email protected]   Prof. Hedvig Hricak is a noted...

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