• European Commission Announces Digital Agenda for Europe

    The European Commission has announced a new action plan to tackle the debilitating impact of the financial crisis, which it says in a new document, has "wiped out years of economic and social progress and exposed structural weaknesses in Europe's economy". To achieve a sustainable future, the recently launched Digital Agenda action plan outlines key...

  • MIR Announces Programme Details for Annual Congress

    Fresh programme details have been announced concerning the scientific programme of the Management in Radiology (MIR) Annual Scientific Meeting, which takes place this year in Mallorca, Spain, from October 14 - 15, 2010. The congress covers topics relevant to those leading depar tments interested in management, healthcare economics and administrative...

  • 24th CARS Congress Update

    CARS 2010, the 24th International Congress & Exhibition of Computer Assisted Radiology & Surgery, took place successfully in Geneva from June 23 - 26. Continuing with the CARS tradition, the congress opened with a clinical day that emphasised clinicallydriven presentations relating to minimally invasive interventions. This was followed by three days...

  • Status of Hybrid Imaging in the EU

    The European Association of nuclear Medicine (EAnM) performs a biennial survey using data from its national member societies to review current nuclear medicine procedures and technology installations in Europe. 2007 Survey Results The previous survey in 2007 used data from 34 national societies, and showed that over 500 PET systems were installed,...

  • Current and Desired Qualifications in Hybrid Imaging

    The great majority of professionals in nuclear medicine and radiology expect that the number of diagnostic CT scans in hybrid imaging will increase. Then, CT expertise will be a necessary part of hybrid imaging in general. Joint interpretation of images by fully trained experts in nuclear medicine and radiology and consultation between the two specialists...

  • Safe Use of MRI Contract Agents

    Much attention has recently been focused on the safe use of gadolinium-based contrast agents (GBCAs) in MRI with regards to nephrogenic systemic fibrosis (NSF). In the wake of its discovery and subsequent investigation, many guidelines were created on the subject. Part one of this article reviews what guidelines are, what GBCAs are, and how GBCAs are...

  • Assessing the "Cost Versus Benefit" of Radiology

    All nations aspire to obtaining the best value for money for their population, achieving the maximum heath gain for the money spent. Although a predominantly State-funded system like the NHS in the UK can look at these issues more readily than those with a mixed economy of healthcare, private insurers are also interested in value for money and are...

  • Healthcare In Canada

    Canada's publicly funded healthcare system, known as medicare, consists of ten provincial and three territorial health insurance plans. It provides access to universal, comprehensive coverage for hospital and physician services administered and delivered by the provincial and territorial governments, free of charge. The provincial and territorial...

  • European Industry Responds to Action on Telehealth

    On release of a European Commission Communication on telemedicine, the medical technology industry has voiced their opinion on the future of telehealth. Led by COCIR, an industry group representing the healthcare IT sector, the industry has made recommendations to the European Commission and member states for better deployment of telehealth solutions...

  • Ireland's National PACS Project

    Ireland's National Integrated Medical Imaging System (NIMIS) project will make radiology in the nation's public hospitals filmless and paperless by introducing PACS/RIS with Voice Recognition (VR) and electronic Order Communications (OCM) to all public hospitals, and enable electronic image sharing between them. Some Irish public hospitals have already...

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