• Committee of the Regions’ “Healthy Workforce, Healthy Economy”

    The European Committee of the Regions (CoR) has recently addressed the economic importance of reducing health inequalities.  Commenting after his draft opinion, Dave Wilcox (UK/PES), the CoR's rapporteur on health inequalities, stressed that health issues have to be a part of EU policies, specifically broadening the EU2020 Plan to include them. Investing...

  • News from World Health Organisation

    Key representatives of the world's leading medical imaging societies have recommended that a common set of global referral guidelines for appropriate use of medical imaging be produced, in the first such global meeting of experts convened under WHO auspices in nearly two decades. Experts from international, regional and national professional societies...

  • MIR – Congress Confirmed for October

    The Management in Radiology (MIR) Annual Scientific Meeting 2010 takes place this year in Mallorca, Spain, from October 14 - 15, 2010, chaired by Dr. Nicola Strickland. The congress, which covers topics relevant to those leading depar tments interested in management, healthcare economics and administrative issues, is accredited by the European Council...

  • E-Health in the Nordic Region

    In Europe, medicine is moving from a provider-centric to a patient-centric environment and, in order to do that, infrastructure must aggregate large volumes of data across time and space. A health service that puts the patient at the centre of a network of providers increases the sector's dependence on information. Such a model presumes access to and...

  • E-Health in the United Kingdom

    The National Programme for IT (NPFIT) was set up in England in 2002. Millions of pounds of ring-fenced money were promised for the delivery of an integrated health record for the NHS (National Health Service). An organisation called "Connecting for Health" (CFH) was created to deliver this promise. The country was divided into five clusters and companies...

  • E-Health in Italy

    In the past few years, PACS in Italy has increased significantly and, at the same time, has moved towards a larger regional dimension. Italy's 20 administrative regions are in charge of managing their own healthcare budget and have differentiated themselves by adopting different approaches in defining rules and policies to minimise costs and maximise...

  • Interview with Prof. Francesco Sardanelli

    Prof. Francesco Sardanelli is associate professor of radiology at the University of Milan, Italy, as well as director of the radiology unit at the Scientific Institute Policlinico San Donato in the same city. He is a well-respected expert in research methodology and statistics applied to medical imaging and in multimodality breast investigation, in...

  • An Overview of the Healthcare System in Greece

    The Greek healthcare system is characterised by the coexistence of a National Health System (NHS), compulsory social insurance and a strong voluntary private healthcare system. The NHS provides universal coverage to the population and in addition, the entire population is covered by social insurance funds and 15% of the population maintains complementary...

  • Radiology In Greece

    Radiology in Greece has followed the rapid technological evolution experienced by other European countries, despite the financial constraints of the recent times. Social security funding is under heavy pressure and reimbursement policies are facing cutbacks. Nationally, diagnostic imaging, which includes all imaging modalities, sales and services,...

  • Sectra Sells Synthetic MRI Application

    Sectra has secured the first order for the software SyMRI Suite from the Institute of Forensic Medicine at the University of Bern. The software will enhance quality in conjunction with virtual autopsies. The University of Bern is the first of a handful of pilot customers that have selected the software, which is used together with Sectra PACS workstations. ...

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