A new report from medical imaging IT and cybersecurity company Sectra shows in what areas of the diagnostic process radiologists themselves see the added value of machine learning. The report clearly shows more opportunities than threats. 


Artificial Intelligence (AI) and machine learning are set to disrupt the practice of radiology. How and to what extent, we do not yet fully know. What does the ideal combination of radiologists and machine learning look like? Who is in the driver’s seat and when?


Using a case of prostate cancer as a clinical example, Sectra asked radiologists in three of Sectra’s key markets (Scandinavia, Benelux, and the US) for their perspectives on machine learning in radiology. What do radiologists think are the right tasks for machine learning applications? Where on a scale between supportive workflow-related tasks and making diagnostic decisions do radiologists see a value in machine learning applications? Can the results from machine learning algorithms be trusted?


Read the full report > >


Sectra at RSNA 2017 

Take the opportunity to visit Sectra at RSNA booth #6113 and learn more about machine learning, Sectra’s view of patient-centered cancer care, as well as how Sectra supports radiology in exceeding the expectations of referring physicians and their patients. Book a meeting > >

Source and Image Credit: Sectra

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Sectra , prostate cancer , Radiology IT , medical IT , Artificial Intelligence , Machine learning , AI,RSNA 2017 New report from Sectra shows where radiologists see the added value of machine learning